How to Earn the Girl Scout Brownie My Great Day Badge (It's Your Planet-Love It WOW! Journey)

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Updated April 2023

Waking up and starting the day on the right foot is important whether you are seven years old or seventy. Being organized and “ready to launch” gets any person’s day off on the right start. With the right clothing set out the night before, bookbag packed and lunch in the refrigerator ready to go, it is the starting point of a great day!

Earning the My Great Day Brownie badge is easy to do and can easily be done in one meeting.

How to Earn the Girl Scout Brownie My Great Day Badge

Image from Pixabay and altered by the author in Canva

Step 1 Start Your Day Right

If you have a regular routine to starting your meeting, this is the time to do it out of order. This will confuse the girls and be a great start to discussing why it is important to be organized. You may even want to throw in how you “forgot” to bring the craft materials for today’s project and see how they react.
Then start your meeting as you normally would.

Talk about why routines are important-from setting their alarm clock to setting out their clothes the next day (and checking the weather forecast to see what they need to be comfortable). It is very stressful to not know what to wear, time is ticking and the school bus is on it’s way!

How to Earn the My Great Day Badge (It's Your Planet-Love It WOW! Journey)

Step 2 Sort Your Stuff (craft)
Step 3 Make Homework a Breeze

Everything should have a place or a home so it can be found when you need it. While some people are naturally more organized, others can use a little more help in this department.

This helps with doing homework. Ask the girls how they can be more organized when it is time to do their work. Do they need a break when they get home? A snack? Time to run outside before settling in?

You can have the girls create a desk organizer two different ways.

Organizer #1

  • Cleaned out aluminum cans (one for each girl)
  • White wrapping paper
  • Labels
  • Glue/tape
  • Crayons/markers

You will want to save your aluminum cans from the recycling bucket and wash them out for this craft. I prefer to do things like this instead of asking the girls to bring it in so I know that I have what I need and I can prep the materials before the meeting. No surprises and the meeting is off to a great start!

Precut the wrapping paper so it is the correct size for the cans (cut extra pieces in case the girls make a mistake).

Give each girl a piece of wrapping paper to color and decorate. Then have them glue it to the can.

Organizer #2
A second way to make an organizer is to purchase this acrylic one that has many compartments.  

How to Earn the Girl Scout Brownie My Great Day Badge

The girls can decorate them with puffy paints and bring them home on heavy foam plates. 

Step 4 Plan Ahead

Using a paper calendar may be old fashioned, but it makes sense to me! Seeing what you have planned each and every day is one way to stay organized and never worry about your battery dying like on your phone!

To make this easier, print out a calendar for the next month. Tell the girls that they are going to color code their activities. For example, if they have dance every Tuesday and Thursday, then in blue marker they should write “Dance” and the time.

If they have soccer, then use a red marker to write “Soccer”on those days.

Of course, use green marker to write in your Girl Scout meetings and trips!

You can download a free calendar month here or here.

Step 5 Get Others Organized

Get Others Organized How to Earn the My Great Day Brownie Badge

One way to help out at home is to make a family chore chart for dinner. Some jobs to include are:
  • Dinner prep
  • Setting the table
  • Clearing the table
  • Wiping down the table
  • Washing the dishes
  • Loading the dishwasher

You can find different chore charts to print here. 

Image from Pixabay and altered by the author on Canva

How have you earned the Brownie My Great Day badge?


  1. Thanks for the great ideas and the links!

  2. This blog is great! Quick question- on the VTK website it has plans for badges and it seems like most badges, such as this one, takes two meetings based off of the meeting plan they give you. Are those just suggestions then? Is it possible to do each badge, such as this one and the first aid for example, in one meeting? I’m new and a bit confused by all of the stuff we need to do/learn. Thanks!

    1. Hello Kristie and thank you! I am going into my 13th year of leading, and her is the lowdown. Everything is a SUGGESTION. How long a meeting to earn a badge might take depends on your troop size, how long you meet, how much help you have, and the makeup of your girls. Please do not fall into the "badge competition" that I see all around. It is not a rece to see how many badges your girls can earn, it is mastering the steps. If it takes two meetings, then it takes two meetings. You lead your troop the way you see fit.

      Please ask any other questions...I am here to help!

  3. Thank you so much Hannah!!!Your blog helps me so much when planning the meetings virtual.

    1. Tori, thank you for the compliment and thank you for continuing to lead your troop during this challenging time.


Please share your thoughts and suggestions on what worked for you!