How to Earn the Girl Scout Brownie Computer Expert Badge (It's Your World-Change It Brownie Quest Journey)

Updated April 2023

By the time the girls are in second or third grade, they will be computer savvy. Schools are equipped with computer labs and these are considered school specials that occur once a week. Teachers have computers in the classroom and many youngsters even own their own tablets.

This badge can easily be earned in one meeting if you have access to a computer lab or have parent volunteers who are willing to bring in laptops to lead small groups.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels and used by the author in Canva


Before doing the first activity with the girls, make sure that parents have emailed you and are on board with their daughters going onto the internet during meeting time. If they are not, then this is a meeting their daughter will need to skip.

Give them this link to the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge and have them sign it and give it to you before the meeting. You can have them scan it back, fax it or even simply email you stating that they went over this with their daughter.

Step 1 Paint or Draw With an Art Program

How many computers you have will determine how much time this activity will take. If girls need to share, then use a timer to instruct them.

If you do not have a program downloaded to your computer to use, you can do a Google search on free online painting and drawing programs for kids. There are several and you can choose which one would be right for your group.

How to Earn the Brownie Computer Expert Try It

Step 2 Find Some Cool Facts

You will need to decide in advance what you want the girls to look up. Will it be related to Girl Scouts? You can ask them to look up facts about Girl Scout cookies or facts about the camp site you will be going to on your trip.

If you are taking a field trip to an interesting area, ask them to find out information about it. One child can be the scribe while the other finds a fact. Then switch roles.

Step 3 Take a Trip Online

Have the girls find a map of their home online. If they have already done this at school, then ask them to find the location of another local attraction.

Step 4 Make a Connection

This will be fun for the girls. Have them send a free e-card to a friend or family member.

Step 5 Have More Fun on the Computer

Find a site that has cool games for girls, like American Girl or the Girl Scout website. Let the girls play.

You can also visit your local Apple or Microsoft store to earn this badge! They offer free field trips for Girl Scouts.


  1. How do you do this activity with 12 girls? Laptops from home? Library?

    1. If you have an Apple Store near you, you can do the class and earn the badge. If you meet in a school, see if you can use the computer lab. Parent volunteers can also come in with their laptops to assist the girls in doing this badge. Maybe an older Cadette, Senior or AMbassador troop can bring in their laptops and help the girls do this.

    2. Your local library will be happy to sign your group up to use the library computers and the programming librarian may well be willing to teach the class if you contact her ahead of time.

    3. That is a great suggestion! Thank you for sharing it!

  2. What website did you use for the free ecard ?

    1. You can use Blue Mountain, Punch Bowl, and American Greeting. You can Google other choices as well.


Please share your thoughts and suggestions on what worked for you!